- School ( 3 Articles )
Papers written for school that I think are worthy of saving for public reading and resource. - Religion ( 11 Articles )
This is a collection of papers that I have written on the topics related to religion either for class or just as a personal thought. Please understand that these are my own thoughts and this is not meant to change your mind, only give you another perspective to see with. I encourage people to think for themselves when it comes to religion and find their own path. I firmly believe, too many people believe they are of a certain thought process but with proper information may choose a different option.- Such as dying slowly with a LOT of pain with all the newest and strongest treatments in hopes to beat it
- Choosing comfort care so they have a less painful death but get to enjoy their family visits while they are not incoherent because of the morphine that the first choice requires to handle the pain from the treatments.versus
- Thoughts ( 6 Articles )
This is a collection of thoughts into paper form. I write these when I find something that I feel is disturbing and needs addressed.