The important thing is to remember is at the end of all things if you weighed the pros and cons of each and every decision in life and decide to take the path you’d regret the most if you hadn’t, then you can say you lived a life without regret.

Life may be passing us by, but what’s stopping us from capturing it by the moment?
This ability is not something a lot of people can say and those “what ifs” create a lot of chaos in a person’s backward reflections on life. This approach allows you to do so. Yes, one can still say “I had other decisions, was the one I chose the “best one” maybe not, however, of all the ones I saw before me, I took that one that I felt would be my biggest regret if I didn’t.”
This approach removes a weight of self-doubt, of disappointment in what could have been. It creates confidence in where you went that you aren’t likely to regret.