A boy pulled up my skirt to look under it in kindergarten/1st grade. Flash forward 20+ years later. Asshole tried to add me on Facebook. Answer was a resounding NO! MY PERSONAL life was no business of his then, and definitely isn’t now. Accidentally seeing is one thing, INTENTIONALLY exposing someone against their will is another.
My teacher’s response: boys will be boys.
My realization; boys are trash & adults are complacent.
This is the GATEWAY conversation to “ITS HER FAULT” RAPE culture!
If you try to argue with me on this, I will delete you because all you’re saying to me is YOU’RE PROBABLY A RAPIST and don’t want to admit it to yourself because SHE DIDN’T SAY NO. (SEE ABOVE: I said no and was told by adults, “boys will be boys” and NO PUNISHMENT HAPPENED. Let that sink in!)
So, save us both the effort and just delete me.