Taking the high road, or any road for that fact, requires mobility…
So as many people are aware but don’t actively think about, I’m going to give you a small reminder of a fact you probably learned in high school.
Positively Prepared for Down Days
Because the best you can you can do for you is leave bread crumbs to lead you back home to those who love you
So as many people are aware but don’t actively think about, I’m going to give you a small reminder of a fact you probably learned in high school.
So take a moment to breathe. Appreciate the air around you. Feel the sun on you. Hold someone important to you close. It can all slip away so easily. Those opportunities gone.
Sometimes life can be difficult. Sometimes it can throw you curveballs that you just don’t know how you can recover from them. But as you experienced some you learn how to recover faster, harder, stronger oh, more efficiently with each curveball in each challenge. But when those curveballs hit those you care about oh, those…
Written by cuddle_muffinFriday, 05 July 2013 03:21trigger warning – no graphic depictions, but it is all about rape and rape culture and how many of us end up contributing to it and why. when i think about the statistics we have for rape, especially considering that it’s under-reported, the uncomfortable thought that inevitably comes to…
Read More “oh no, we’re friends with a rapist – what now?” »
My personal goal in life is to make a difference at least once a day in someone’s life, if only a smile. If I can’t do that, my life has no meaning.